Pisang Keju Cupcake :)


  • 150 gram margarin
  • 75 gram gula palem
  • 100 gram pisang ambon, haluskan
  • 3 butir telur
  • 200 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
  • ½ sdt baking powder
  • 20 gram keju cheddar parut untuk taburan

Cara Membuat:

  1. Kocok margarin dan gula palem 7 menit sampai lembut. Masukkan pisang ambon. Kocok Rata.
  2. Tambahkan telur satu per satu bergantian dengan sebagian tepung terigu sambil diayak dan dikocok rata.
  3. Masukkan sisa tepung terigu dan baking powder sambil diayak dan dikocok rata.
  4. Tuang di cup kertas. Tabur keju cheddar parut. Oven 25 menit dengan suhu 180 derajat Celsius.

Devil's Cupcake :)


  • 2 cup tepung terigu
  • 2 butir telur
  • 1½ sdt baking soda
  • 1½ cup susu cair (UHT)
  • ½ cup butter (margarin juga boleh)
  • 2 sdt vanila ekstrak

Cara Membuat:

  1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 175 derajat Celsius, siapkan cetakan cupcake yang telah dialasai papercup.
  2. Masukkan semua bahan selain telur ke dalam mangkuk mixer.
  3. Kocok sebentar dengan kecepatan rendah, hingga bahan tercampur. Kemudian kocok dengan kecepata tinggi sekitar 2 menit.
  4. Masukkan telur, kocok lagi sekitar 2 menit.
  5. Tuang adonan ke cetakan cupcake, oven sekitar 15-20 menit atau sampai matang.
  6. Dinginkan dan siap dihias.

Chocolate Cupcakes :)

Bahan 1:

  • 4 butir telur
  • 150 gram gula pasir
  • sedikit garam
  • 10 gram emulsifier
  • ¼ sdt ekstrak vanila

Bahan 2:

  • 100 gram tepung terigu
  • 25 gram cokelat bubuk
  • ½ sdt baking powder

Bahan 3: (cairkan)

  • 100 gram mentega/margarin
  • 70 gram Dark Cooking Chocolate
  • ½ sdm pasta cokelat (boleh diabaikan)

Cara Membuat:

  1. Panaskan oven hingga 180 derajat Celcius, siapkan cetakan cupcake dan alas kertasnya.
  2. Kocok bahan 1 hingga kental dan mengembang.
  3. Masukkan bahan 2 sedikit demi sedikit, aduk hingga rata.
  4. Tuang bahan 3 lalu aduk perlahan dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
  5. Tuang ke dalam cetakan cupcake hingga 2/3 bagian.
  6. Oven sekitar 15 – 20 menit atau hingga matang.
  7. Kalau sudah dingin, cupcake siap dihias


halo semuanya ..

gw Shabrina


gw cinta banget sama kue imut bernama


gw bakal cerita sama loe semua tentang cupcakes semampu gw ..

let's check :)

The History about Cupcake :)

In the early 19th century, there were two different uses for the name "cup cake" or "cupcake". In previous centuries, before muffin tins were widely available, the cakes were often baked in individual pottery cups, ramekins, or molds and took their name from the cups they were baked in. This is the use of the name that has persisted, and the name of "cupcake" is now given to any small cake that is about the size of a teacup. The name "fairy cake" is a fanciful description of its size, which would be appropriate for a party of diminutive fairies to share.

The other kind of "cup cake" referred to a cake whose ingredients were measured by volume, using a standard-sized cup, instead of being weighed. Recipes whose ingredients were measured using a standard-sized cup could also be baked in cups; however, they were more commonly baked in tins as layers or loaves. In later years, when the use of volume measurements was firmly established in home kitchens, these recipes became known as 1234 cakes or quarter cakes, so called because they are made up of four ingredients: one cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour, and four eggs.They are plain yellow cakes, somewhat less rich and less expensive than pound cake, due to using about half as much butter and eggs compared to pound cake. The names of these two major classes of cakes were intended to signal the method to the baker; "cup cake" uses a volume measurement, and "pound cake" uses a weight measurement.

Cupcakes are now one of the most popular sweet treats in the world, and there are many bakeries dedicated solely to cupcakes. The world's first bakery of this kind was Sprinkles, and is located in Beverly Hills, California.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pisang Keju Cupcake :)

Posted by treaDemetric :) at 8:01 PM 0 comments


  • 150 gram margarin
  • 75 gram gula palem
  • 100 gram pisang ambon, haluskan
  • 3 butir telur
  • 200 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
  • ½ sdt baking powder
  • 20 gram keju cheddar parut untuk taburan

Cara Membuat:

  1. Kocok margarin dan gula palem 7 menit sampai lembut. Masukkan pisang ambon. Kocok Rata.
  2. Tambahkan telur satu per satu bergantian dengan sebagian tepung terigu sambil diayak dan dikocok rata.
  3. Masukkan sisa tepung terigu dan baking powder sambil diayak dan dikocok rata.
  4. Tuang di cup kertas. Tabur keju cheddar parut. Oven 25 menit dengan suhu 180 derajat Celsius.

Devil's Cupcake :)

Posted by treaDemetric :) at 7:59 PM 0 comments


  • 2 cup tepung terigu
  • 2 butir telur
  • 1½ sdt baking soda
  • 1½ cup susu cair (UHT)
  • ½ cup butter (margarin juga boleh)
  • 2 sdt vanila ekstrak

Cara Membuat:

  1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 175 derajat Celsius, siapkan cetakan cupcake yang telah dialasai papercup.
  2. Masukkan semua bahan selain telur ke dalam mangkuk mixer.
  3. Kocok sebentar dengan kecepatan rendah, hingga bahan tercampur. Kemudian kocok dengan kecepata tinggi sekitar 2 menit.
  4. Masukkan telur, kocok lagi sekitar 2 menit.
  5. Tuang adonan ke cetakan cupcake, oven sekitar 15-20 menit atau sampai matang.
  6. Dinginkan dan siap dihias.

Chocolate Cupcakes :)

Posted by treaDemetric :) at 7:51 PM 0 comments

Bahan 1:

  • 4 butir telur
  • 150 gram gula pasir
  • sedikit garam
  • 10 gram emulsifier
  • ¼ sdt ekstrak vanila

Bahan 2:

  • 100 gram tepung terigu
  • 25 gram cokelat bubuk
  • ½ sdt baking powder

Bahan 3: (cairkan)

  • 100 gram mentega/margarin
  • 70 gram Dark Cooking Chocolate
  • ½ sdm pasta cokelat (boleh diabaikan)

Cara Membuat:

  1. Panaskan oven hingga 180 derajat Celcius, siapkan cetakan cupcake dan alas kertasnya.
  2. Kocok bahan 1 hingga kental dan mengembang.
  3. Masukkan bahan 2 sedikit demi sedikit, aduk hingga rata.
  4. Tuang bahan 3 lalu aduk perlahan dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
  5. Tuang ke dalam cetakan cupcake hingga 2/3 bagian.
  6. Oven sekitar 15 – 20 menit atau hingga matang.
  7. Kalau sudah dingin, cupcake siap dihias


Posted by treaDemetric :) at 7:34 PM 0 comments
halo semuanya ..

gw Shabrina


gw cinta banget sama kue imut bernama


gw bakal cerita sama loe semua tentang cupcakes semampu gw ..

let's check :)

The History about Cupcake :)

Posted by treaDemetric :) at 7:17 PM 0 comments

In the early 19th century, there were two different uses for the name "cup cake" or "cupcake". In previous centuries, before muffin tins were widely available, the cakes were often baked in individual pottery cups, ramekins, or molds and took their name from the cups they were baked in. This is the use of the name that has persisted, and the name of "cupcake" is now given to any small cake that is about the size of a teacup. The name "fairy cake" is a fanciful description of its size, which would be appropriate for a party of diminutive fairies to share.

The other kind of "cup cake" referred to a cake whose ingredients were measured by volume, using a standard-sized cup, instead of being weighed. Recipes whose ingredients were measured using a standard-sized cup could also be baked in cups; however, they were more commonly baked in tins as layers or loaves. In later years, when the use of volume measurements was firmly established in home kitchens, these recipes became known as 1234 cakes or quarter cakes, so called because they are made up of four ingredients: one cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour, and four eggs.They are plain yellow cakes, somewhat less rich and less expensive than pound cake, due to using about half as much butter and eggs compared to pound cake. The names of these two major classes of cakes were intended to signal the method to the baker; "cup cake" uses a volume measurement, and "pound cake" uses a weight measurement.

Cupcakes are now one of the most popular sweet treats in the world, and there are many bakeries dedicated solely to cupcakes. The world's first bakery of this kind was Sprinkles, and is located in Beverly Hills, California.